Reubwe 2012. 11. 27. 11:30


ex) how can we represent "I go to school".? text representation "I go to school"


this sentence include many new concepts such as "moving"



ex) MJ is a singer and Psy is a singer




singer(MJ) and isnger(Psy)



=> every people must die.

    everyone is mortal.


=>infinity, conditional statement,.....



man(lee)   --> mortal(lee)


man(tom) --> mortal(tom)


man(ann) --> mortal(ann)




(a)보다 (b)가 컴터로 표현하기 나으다.


ex) every man has a soulmate japaridze


man(A) pand soulmate(japaridze) cor soulmate(B) cor soulmate(C) cor soulmate(D) .....

man(B) pand soulmate(japaridze) cor soulmate(A) cor soulmate(C) cor soulmate(D) .....


