Reubwe 2012. 11. 13. 11:29



pand , por


A pand B : the machine can do A and B in parallel

A por B : perform A and B in parallel and it is a success if at least one of them is a success.


ex) object in Java

x,y: int

(f= )  pand

(g= )  pand

(h= )  pand

pand : f,g,h를 병렬로 처리 가능하다.




ex)  coffee vending machine:

programmer    customer








100\-> (밀크 cor 블랙)




a) document the coffee vendir machine as elegantly as possible


step1: wait for a coin from the user.

step2: request the user to select blackcoffee or milk coffee.

step3: put out the selected coffee.





b) implement the coffee vending machine in Java if you want.(optional)