Reubwe 2012. 9. 18. 11:42

specification continued:



sw engineer            customer:

dynamic knowledgebase:

knowledge base changes constantly


app:<---- yahoo

<---clear or cloudy


specification output:

 objects : yahoo: clear seq-or cloudy

 main: clear seq-or cloudy


app: yahoo에서 실시간으로 날씨 정보를 받아 그대로 display하라


Q: Java: leader:

A Seq-or B : it claims A is true. But at some later point, it can change its mind so that it claims B is ture


examples : A seq-or B


가로등: on seq-or off

door : open seq-or off




A seq-and B: it claims A is true but at some later point, the uwer changes its mind and make the machine claim B.



switch: on seq-and off.

tom 객체

tom : (alive seq-or dead)  죽는거 tom결정

(alive seq-and dead) 죽는거 다른사람 결정

(alive seq-or dead) seqand (alive seq-and dead)    앞에서 죽을경우 살수 없기 때문에  이 경우는 잘못됨


(divorced seq-or married) seqor (divorced