Q: What is the most important topic/ concept in IT?
semantic web
ex) SW developer coustomer:
Given a set of integers S and a number K,
sumofsubset(S,K) is true if there is a subset {k1,..,kn} of S such that k1+k2+..+kn=k.
ex) ss({3,5,6},8) = true why? 3+5=8
ss({3,4},10) = false why? 3+4=7
constructive definition.
:: 집합 추가
rule 1. if for all k , ss({K},K) is true.
rule 2. if for all S:set, K:int,A:int, if ss(S,K), then ss(A::S, A)
s에 a라는 원소 추가하고 k자리에 a적는다.
rule 3. if for all S:set, K:int,A:int, if ss(S,K), then ss(A::S, K)
내 생각추가{
rule 3. if ss({S},k) , then ss((s1-k)::S,k)
s가 1개면 s-k의 값을 s집합에 넣는다.
rule 4. if ss({S},k) , then ss({s},s1+s2)
S가 2개 이상이면 원소합을 K에 넣는다. 룰 1이랑 완전 비슷
real tasks:
task1 decide whether
Prog -> ss({2,4,7},9)
task2 decide whether ss({2,4},10)
and ss({2,4},1) in parallel.
ss({2,4},1) par-and
reference : "In the beginning was game semantics" by Giorg Japaridze.